
※当サイトはアダルトコンテンツを含みます。18歳未満の方は速やかに退出してください。This website contains adult contents. If you are under the age of 18, please leave immediately.

【森下美緒/Mio Morishita】 引っ張るとシワシワになって伸びる黒長乳首


I’m afraid no sample video is avairable from the official site.(I found the Free video, but too many advertisements and annoying link jumps, so I won’t share the link here)

●長乳首シーン画像/Screenshots from the video showing her long nipples.
※リンクはついていません。ただの画像です。/No link avairable.It’s just screenshots from the video.



・引っ張るとシワシワになってしばらく形が戻らない卑猥な形の長乳首/When stretched,nipples stay stretched and wrinkled. Dirty, worn-out, and long nipples.
・清楚系のスリム美人だけど脱ぐと黒い長乳首、デカ乳輪/She looks neat and clean, but when naked, her nippls are so dark and areolas are big and dirty.
・感じてる時の声も感度も良く、熟女ならではのテクニックもまたいい/The way she feels good is sexy and she has good techniques in handling dicks.

購入はこちらから↓/You can buy full video from the link below.

If you can’t acccess the video or the link above, you are blocked by IP adress because FANZA is accesible only from Japan.

You can easily solve this by useig free VPN service.

For detail, please check this article. How to access Japan’s biggest adult site FANZA


●ツイッターアカウント/Twitter account

森下(西園寺) 美緒/Mio Morishita(Saionji)

プライベートも垣間見れる他、最新の作品告知なども見れますよ。/Not ony knowing her personal life but also latest publisfing notice is avairable.