
※当サイトはアダルトコンテンツを含みます。18歳未満の方は速やかに退出してください。This website contains adult contents. If you are under the age of 18, please leave immediately.

【有坂さつき/Satsuki Arisaka】 色っぽい表情とコリコリ乳首


●無料サンプル動画/Free short sample video
※今すぐ再生/Play immidiately

If you click the picture, the sample video will start.↓
For smartphone users, click the white part at the upper-left.


●長乳首シーン画像/Screenshots from the video showing her long nipples.
※リンクはついていません。ただの画像です。/No link avairable.It’s just screenshots from the video.


・コリコリデカ長乳首/Crunchy, big, and long ipples.
・大胆な潮吹き多め/Dinamic squarting a lot.
・エッチ中は、目がとろんとしててエロい顔になる/Eyes are sexy during sex and it is dirty.
・透き通る白い肌で手足も細いがおっぱいはぷりんぷりんでスタイルいい。/Her skin is clear and white. Long and slim legs and arms but big boobs. Nice figure.

購入はこちらから↓/You can buy full video from the link below.

If you can’t acccess the video or the link above, you are blocked by IP adress because FANZA is accesible only from Japan.

You can easily solve this by useig free VPN service.

For detail, please check this article. How to access Japan’s biggest adult site FANZA