【無料/Free】How to access Japan’s biggest adult site FANZA/日本国外からFANZAにアクセスする方法
By following 4 steps below, you can access FANZA(*),see English website, and download or subscribe FANZA contents, for free!
These steps are mainly for google chrome users.
Nornally, you can’t acccess FANZA from outside Japan because of IP blocking sysytem.
(*)FANZA:Japan’s biggest adult website(previous name was DMM.R18). The website is run by DMM.COM.
DMM.com offers variety of services from entertainment, education,Hardware products,E-commerce, VR, to finance.
FANZA is one of its businesses and secure and safe website.
- adult videos
- adult PC games
- unlimited streaming
- adult live chat
- Dating service
- adult manga and comics(hentai)
- adult contents rental service
- and more.. are avairable.
Step1:Downloading free VPN service
Access to VPN Gate https://www.vpngate.net/en/howto.aspx
How to download and make setting in Windows, Mac, iphone/ipad, and Android is explained respectively with pictures in the sites above. so please refer to the link.
This is the easiest way for quick viewing but connecting time is limited unless using paid servce .
In free version,the service stops evey 2 hours and you need to wait for an hour for further use.
- Installing this extension for free Hola Free VPN Proxy Unblocker – Best VPN
- Type Japan in a search window and set coutry as Japan
- For detail, check Hola official website
Step2:Downloading Google translate extension
This extension is needed to translate FANZA Japanese website into English.
FANZA doesn’t have English web page.
Here is the download link Google translate extension
*Google translate WEB vesion didn’t work with FANZA.
Step3:Accessing to FAZNA
After setting VPN service, access to the FANZA link https://www.dmm.co.jp/top/
If age verification pop up is displayed, click right bottun “Yes". (default bottun is already selected as yes, so just click)
Now you can access to FAZNA.
Step4:Translating from Japanese to English
FANZA official site doesn’t have English web page , so now you will translate this web page into English.
- Right click Google translate extension icon next to search window in google chrome.
- Select Option-set main language to English-save-close the tub.
- Left click the icon again and click “Translate this page" in a new pop up and wait for a moment.
出典:FANZA https://www.dmm.co.jp/top/
Now the FANZA web page is translated from Japanese to English.
English search is also avairable, so you can type your favorite porn star name or genre.
You may need to click “translating this page"bottun per page.
It’s a hassle but just like 2 seconds to wait. So no worries!
You need to make an account to download ful videos or unlimited use of adult contents.
Sample videos are free but they are just 1 to 3min only.
↓TOP page
出典:FANZA https://www.dmm.co.jp/top/
↓Account registration page
出典:FANZA https://accounts.dmm.co.jp/en/welcome/signup/email
↓Genre list
many categories by situation, type,costume,genre,play and other.
出典:FANZA https://www.dmm.co.jp/monthly/prime/-/genre/
↓Sample video download page
出典:FANZA https://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/-/detail/=/cid=pred00220/?i3_ref=list&i3_ord=10&dmmref=actress_26225
Enjoy high quality videos, animmes, and games!